Francesco Scarlata


Unity developer
Game designer
Vr Developer (Unity)

About me

I'm an italian person living in Milan, very passionate about videogames and videogame design, looking always for self-improvement. I started to study about videogame development in 2015 during the bachelor classes and i never stopped learning since. I'd love to work in a bigger environment to learn a lot more about the industry culture, give the best contribute i can while learning as much as possibile in the process.
I'm proficient with C#/Unity (with different university class projects and game jams made with it), Java and Python. During my previous job i got more experience on VR development & design (with different devices), and i'm expanding my knowledge for phone applications (Android) and AR technologies.

Work Experience

(Junior) AEM / back end developer
Aktive Reply
Milan, Nov 2020 - Present
I am part of a team that manages the backend part of websites using the Adobe Experience Manager software. We work for companies like Costa Cruises. The backend part uses languages like Java and Sightly. This description is very basic but it will be expanded in the future.

Vr developer
Crea Media Consulting
Milan, Oct 2018 - Oct 2020
I managed the vr department of the company. I managed the projects that used the HTC Vive (and Vive Pro Eye) devices and made and managed projects on Oculus Go and Quest.
All projects were tailored on the clients' needs. From a 6 meters shelf with HTC Vive and leap motion to study brand awareness and positioning of the products, to a dining room with a tv screen to study how an advertisement is received by an user using also eye tracking.


Master degree in Computer Science
Università degli studi di Milano "La Statale"
Milan, April 2020
Dissertation: Procedural generation of videogames based on biometric parameters

Bachelor degree in Computer Science
Università degli studi di Catania
Catania, March 2016
Dissertation: Serious games for Math